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Tips from Covid Isolation

September 24, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

During our time of self isolation we came up with 8 tips what you can do with the time you have.  We know how much of an inconvenience it is, but the only thing you can do about it, is using the time wisely.

We now want to put our tips into a blog for you just in case you find yourself into the same situation.  Let’s jump in straight away with the first 4 tips - more to follow next week!

1. Be Unique!

Know what makes you unique from your competitors is essential.  It's not enough to say that you are better.  Everyone can say that.  Is it your style, your approach, your experience?  Take some time to really think about it.  Ask your customers!  Maybe not one of those boring surveys that "only take 20 minutes" - but ask them directly.  We often ask why our clients like working with us - and very often they say we are fun to work with! It's from our travels, our years of experience, the fascinating people we have worked with - and it's what makes us unique.  What makes YOU unique?

2. Know who you want to reach!

We all hear a lot about "knowing your target market" - but what does this actually mean?  It's a lot more than knowing the customers you want to have.  You need to understand why they think they way they do.  Why do people love one type of TV programme, but not another?  Various phones released onto the market appeal to different types of people, so it really isn't worth the companies wasting any resources trying to win over one or two converts from the other side.  Both Apple and Android are doing OK!  However, phones offered different things to different people, being waterproof, having a folding screen etc, and when screens didn't fold properly without creasing, then companies listened and reacted and provided what the customers were demanding.

Ask yourself, where are other people missing a trick that your business can satisfy AND it is what your customers want?  Get that right, and you are onto a winner.  We know it ourselves with our own clients who come to us for brand photography and video.  We do things with a style that no-one can recreate, we have particular set of business skills and experience, and our work brings them real benefits.

Take some time to plan - there is nothing better.  Having a well-thought out plan can maximise your efficiency, and that will increase your profits.  Both Android and Apple will agree on that statement!

3. Be Confident!

If you think the grass is greener on the other side, then it is nearly always because you are lacking in confidence in your own skills.  If you know you don't have the skills to do what you need to do in business, then jumping over the fence to the "greener grass" will solve nothing!

Maybe brush up on your own skills on whatever your area of expertise is.  There is a wealth of help out there - some good, some not so good - but your nose should be able to tell you what is what.

Improve YOUR area of skill, and be confident in that.  And that sound skills base will help you know you are confident in what you are trying to do.  If you are in a circus and not up to scratch in the juggling department, don't go to the "greener grass" and try fire-eating, as it is bound to end in disaster!  Just get better at juggling!  Make your own grass greener by watering it!

Stick to what you do best, and know best - and then excel in your area of confidence.

4. Know your cost and what you are worth!

Remember the song with Kermit the Frog’s nephew? "half way down the stairs is the stair where I stop".  It's actually from a lot older poem by A A Milne, the creator of Winnie the Pooh.  The stairs are a great place to stop and think.  If you ever speak to Bergit on the 'phone, chances are she is sitting half way on the stairs!

Today, stop half way wherever feels best for you and think about what you charge - and what you are worth.  How you charge in business depends on lots of factors, cost of sales, volume etc - but it should NEVER be about your competitors, or, worse still, to be cheaper than the others.  It is about creating value for your clients.  They will appreciate it and be prepared to pay your price.

That's it for now.  Read and digest.  More tips next week!  Have a good one!

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